Sunday, September 26, 2010


    “The gospel according to Spider man”  compares scenes from the movie Spider-man (2001)  to important stories in the bible. The green lantern represents the devil and often tempts Spider man, who then obviously would  represent Jesus. The film has many different biblical references including the scene where “Green Goblin frightens Spider-Man's Aunt May by crashing into her bedroom while she is reciting the Lord's Prayer by her bedside.”  this important because it symbolizes the devil trying to interrupt  gods plans. Jesus is most reflected by the constant humble and sacrificial attitude of Spider man compared to the power hungry green goblin (the devil). Throughout the movie there are a lot of moral lessons to be learned including humility and justice, two very common themes of the bible.    
    “What is privilege” explains many different situations that exemplify types of privilege that occur in every day life. The author focuses one type of privilege, Unearned advantage which is “ when an unearned entitlement is restricted to  a certain group of people.”

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