Sunday, September 12, 2010

introduction and goals

          My name is Jacob Henderson, I am 18 years old and went to high school  in San Bernardino California. Starting college at Azusa Pacific University has gone well for me so far, and I am enjoying the football program very much. Football has been a huge part of my life ever since I can remember, and is most definitely the biggest reason for me to go to school here at APU. Football is the reason I am able to be here, but i plan on making the most of the college education I have in front of me. While majoring in Physical Education I hope to learn as much as I can so that I may later be able to teach all that I know.
           English 110: freshman writing seminar will be the first traditional indoor class for me in my college career due to my major and the many activity related classes. I love athletics and being outdoors but I am excited to get the opportunity to develop good study habits for college. What I hope this class will be for me is the first real college classroom experience, and it is exciting to have a class theme of super heroes! It is such a relief to be writing about a subject I believe is interesting. Learning all of the proper ways to write and to site all of my work is also something exciting for me. I have been taught these things before but there are always more things to learn. I hope this class will give me all the tools I will need for the next four years of essays and any other writing I will do for the rest of my academic career

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