Sunday, September 26, 2010


    “The gospel according to Spider man”  compares scenes from the movie Spider-man (2001)  to important stories in the bible. The green lantern represents the devil and often tempts Spider man, who then obviously would  represent Jesus. The film has many different biblical references including the scene where “Green Goblin frightens Spider-Man's Aunt May by crashing into her bedroom while she is reciting the Lord's Prayer by her bedside.”  this important because it symbolizes the devil trying to interrupt  gods plans. Jesus is most reflected by the constant humble and sacrificial attitude of Spider man compared to the power hungry green goblin (the devil). Throughout the movie there are a lot of moral lessons to be learned including humility and justice, two very common themes of the bible.    
    “What is privilege” explains many different situations that exemplify types of privilege that occur in every day life. The author focuses one type of privilege, Unearned advantage which is “ when an unearned entitlement is restricted to  a certain group of people.”

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Privilege can be described as an unearned advantage, something that is limited to certain groups. According to Allan Johnson, “Privilege exists when one group of people has something of value that is denied to others simply because of a group they belong to”. There is a wide variety of things that can be considered a privilege; one example is that white males generally have the advantage when being considered for promotions in the workplace. African American males or women generally are over looked when working along side a white male with similar potential.  Right away a white male may have the opportunity to prove himself or will be given more responsibility then others. Along with getting more praise for success a white male is also more likely to be given second and third chances when he fails, a woman or black male is more likely to be punished right away for their failures. White males are given more grace while others are held to a much higher standard. When white males do fail it is much more likely they will be allowed to treat failure as a learning experience, and their failure will not be associated with the fact that they are white. Failure for an employee that is black will probably be associated with his or her ethnic group. Unearned advantages like these are very common at work and this is a direct example of privilege.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

introduction and goals

          My name is Jacob Henderson, I am 18 years old and went to high school  in San Bernardino California. Starting college at Azusa Pacific University has gone well for me so far, and I am enjoying the football program very much. Football has been a huge part of my life ever since I can remember, and is most definitely the biggest reason for me to go to school here at APU. Football is the reason I am able to be here, but i plan on making the most of the college education I have in front of me. While majoring in Physical Education I hope to learn as much as I can so that I may later be able to teach all that I know.
           English 110: freshman writing seminar will be the first traditional indoor class for me in my college career due to my major and the many activity related classes. I love athletics and being outdoors but I am excited to get the opportunity to develop good study habits for college. What I hope this class will be for me is the first real college classroom experience, and it is exciting to have a class theme of super heroes! It is such a relief to be writing about a subject I believe is interesting. Learning all of the proper ways to write and to site all of my work is also something exciting for me. I have been taught these things before but there are always more things to learn. I hope this class will give me all the tools I will need for the next four years of essays and any other writing I will do for the rest of my academic career